Rowe Building | 714 S Dearborn
Sandmeyer’s bookstore has been family owned and operated in the South Loop Printing House District for 40 years this year. It sits within the first floor of the landmark Rowe Building at 714 S Dearborn.
Christensen & Olsen Foundry Co. | 218 N Racine
Started digging into the history of this building, but all I can find for certain is a blurb from the Chicago Tribune (circa 1954) about a thief who was captured on the roof!! …
Predictions for Chicago's Real Estate Market in 2022
Many friends and clients have recently reached out asking about the real estate market -- wondering about the Spring Rentals, Chicago's current Housing Inventory and Market Trends. As such, I'm sharing my personal predictions for Chicago's Real Estate Market this year! And, while I don't like making predictions during this uncertain time of COVID and during the city's post-pandemic recovery, there are several trends I'm seeing that should not be ignored...
Dover Street District
A really cool feature of Dover Street are the huge property lots, which are 33 feet wide and range in depth from 150 FT to 180 FT — compared to the standard 25-foot- wide by 125-foot-deep lots typically seen in Chicago!!
300 N State St | Marina City
In 1964 LIFE Magazine advertised a one bedroom apartment at Marina City for only $115/month!! With a floor plan shaped like a little pie wedge. It wasn’t until ‘77, when the building was converted from rentals unit to condos, that it truly began challenging not just design standards, but the way we live —
2021 in Review
Looking back on 2021 and feeling so thankful. Another fulfilling year spent doing work I love. Another year participating in the paranoia of the moment (hi, covid) and being reminded of how easily (and how often) large life decisions lie hidden in small moments.
Printing House Row District
In good company — the Old Colony Building, the Fisher Building, The Standard Club & the Monadnock Building
Open House Chicago is Approaching!
In just a month Open House Chicago returns with in-person site visits and city-wide access to properties otherwise closed to the public. YAY! #OHC2021
Answering your FAQs about Working with a Buyer's Agent
Q: So, how much does it cost to work with a Buyer’s Agent like you??
A: There is NO cost to you. ..Really!! Here’s why —
J.P. Atwater Building | 28 S. Wabash
The J. P. Atwater Building is nestled in bustling downtown on Wabash Ave. It was created in 1877 and landmarked in 1996.
175 N State | The Chicago Theater
The Chicago Theatre was the first large, lavish movie palace in all of America. Originally named “the Wonder Theatre of the World” when it opened in 1921, and refurbished a short decade later just in time for the 1933 World's Fair.